BiblioFly Function Calls

BiblioFly has five main functions, two for embedding a bibliography entry into a post or page, and three for displaying your meters in your templates. The latter will require you to modify your template, but don't worry, it's very easy.

Embedding A Bibliography

Embed A Single Entry

To embed a single bibliography entry into a post or page, simply drop the following string into the text editor when you create your post or page:

[bfentry id=# small]


Example Code

If you wish to display bibliography entry with id number 4, in full:

[bfentry id=4]

Embed Full Bibliography Page

To print out the bibliography page, simply drop the following string into the text editor when you create your post or page:


The function will fetch all bibliography entries marked as visible, sort them into categories (novel, short fiction, poem, non-fiction book, article), and print them out in full.

Embed Bibliography Page, Restricted by Category

If you wish your bibliography page to print only one category, this is the code to use:

[biblioflypage type=#]


Template Functions

To display any of your bibliography entries outside of posts or pages, you will need to modify the template where you wish the meters to display.

Navigate to the appropriate template page (most people choose to edit sidebar.php to display a list of bibliography entries, for example), find the lines in the template where you wish the meters to display, and enter the appropriate function call (see below) into the code.

All the template functions output their list wrapped in <li></li> elements, so it's important to wrap the entire function in a parent list, either <ul></ul> or <ol></ol> elements.

Print Specific

To display a specific bibliography entry, copy and paste the following code into your template:

<ul><?php bf_specific($id, $full) ?></ul>


Example Code

If you wish to display entry with id number 4, and you're happy with the default options:

<ul><?php bf_specific(4); ?></ul>

If you wish to display entry with id number 4, in full:

<ul><?php pf_specific(4,"full"); ?></ul>

Print Random

To display a random bibliography entry, copy and paste the following code into your template:

<ul><?php bf_random($full) ?></ul>


Example Code

To display a random bibliography entry

<ul><?php bf_random(); ?></ul>

To display a random bibliography entry, in full:

<ul><?php bf_random("full"); ?></ul>

Print Recent

To call the most recent bibliography entries, and display them in descending order by id, simply drop the following code into your template:

<ul><?php bf_recent($limit); ?></ul>


Example Code

To call the 3 most recently entered bibliography entries (eg, if you have 10 entries, it will call 10, 9 and 8 (providing all three are marked as visible)):

<ul><?php bf_recent(3); ?></ul>

The CSS Classes

Default CSS Classes

The Bibliography Page