Where you can find Jamie K. Wilson's fiction, thoughts, and a few free stories.
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Links and Things

Over the last couple of years, I've found more fascinating links and interesting people than I could possibly have imagined. I can't share all of them with you, but if you love conservative fiction - or if you're only curious about what it is - this will at least get you started.
My Sites
Conservative Fiction is where I blog about, well, conservative fiction - what it is, what it ain't, and what we would like it to be. I have a strong affection for Tolkien, so bear with me.
Conservative Feminism, where I blog about the strong women's movement within conservatism. We are the real face of feminism today; mainstream feminism has lost its way and its connection with what it means to be a woman.
Revere's Lantern, a curated newsfeed seeking out and disseminating great columns and articles of interest to conservative artists.
Other Sites I'm Associated With
Liberty Island Media - the first conservative fiction book publisher and much, much more. I'm a lowly editor here, primarily working to develop great writers and a great audience. Check out the free magazine content, and if you love what you read, support starving artists by tossing a buck or two in their tip jars.
Big Dawg Music Mafia is a social media site run by musician Lisa Mei for conservative artists of all stripes. You'll find a lot of musicians here, but also writers and visual artists.
The American Culture, run by the Liberty 21 Institute, runs insightful commentary on the culture wars, and frequently cover fiction and movies
And Other Great Places for Conservative Artists
Breitbart's Big Hollywood often covers books as well as film.
PJ Lifestyle at Roger Simon's PJ Media has a number of exciting things going on, including Sarah Hoyt's columns on writing and lots of great cultural commentary and fiction criticism.
The Imaginative Conservative covers a wide range of arts and culture with some of the best conservative minds of our day.
The American Conservative (particularly Rod Dreher's columns) provides more great culturally conservative criticism and thought. While you're here, sign up for the Prufrock email list, and have thoughtful conservative-oriented links sent to you daily.
At Conservative Fiction, I maintain a blogroll with links to dozens of writers I love professionally and philosophically. You might want to check that out as well.
Jamie's Stuff
Jamie's Stuff